Activity B’s Procedures and Policies.

Uncollected child policy

It is the parents responsibility to inform Activity B’s if they will be late collecting their child. If the child is not collected by the end of the session and the parent has not notified us we will implement the following procedures

- After the end of session the manager will contact parents

- The parent or carer will be informed and will be charged for late pick up

- If there is no response the manager will leave messages to the parent and one of the Childs emergency contacts will be called

Over 30 minuets late

- If the manager has been unable to contact the Childs parents or emergency contacts the local social care team will be contacted for advice

- The child will remain in the care of Activity B’s on the clubs premises if possible until the parent, carer or until placed in the care of the social care team


There will be a fee of £3 per 15 minuets for all late pick ups. Parents and carers will be reminded that if they are consistently late picking up their child, their child may lose their place.

Safeguarding and children’s welfare policy

Activity B’s is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all who work with us to share this commitment.

Activity B’s have a legal duty to recognise and respond to:

- Signs of neglect

- Deterioration in a Childs well-being

- Unexplained marks, bruising or signs of possible abuse

- Significant changes in a Childs behaviour

If you recognise one for more of the above for a child the important thing is to do something and not ignore it. We will make sure the environment we create make children feel safe. Any suspicion or allegations of abuse will be taken extremely seriously and will be acted on quickly and correctly by following procedure.

Types of abuse -This does not mean all types of abuse


In the context of caregiving, neglect is a form of abuse where the perpetrator, who is responsible for caring for someone who is unable to care for themselves, fails to do so. It can be a result of carelessness, indifference, or unwillingness and abuse.

Signs and symptoms

- Constant hunger

- Tiredness

- Stealing or scrounging

- Poor personal hygiene

- Inappropriate clothing for water or activities

- Poor social relations

- Untreated medical problems

- Low self-esteem


Physical abuse is defined as physical injury inflicted on a child by other than accidental means. The statutes define physical injury as anything from severe or frequent bruising to more serious injuries.

Signs and symptoms

- Repetitive injuries

- Unexplained or untreated injuries

- Refusal to discuss injuries

- Fear of going home (undressing or asking for medical help)

- Agression

- Bullying

- Patterns of unexplained absence

- Trying to hide bruising or injuries

- Shrinking form physical contact


Sexual exploitation of any kind. Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent.

Signs and symptoms

- sexual awareness inappropriate to the Childs age this can be shown through drawings, games and vocabulary

- Attempt to teach other children about sexual activity

- Anxiety, aggression, anger

- This is a short summary


Constant undermining of a child and their sense of self worth. May be reflected in poor parenting skills. Also may witness domestic violence from the primary carer.

Signs and symptoms

- Self-depreciation

- Self harm

- Inappropriate response to painful situations

- Compulsive stealing

- Scrounging

- Detachment

- Social isolation

- Attention seeking

- Depression

- Eating problems

Child Sexual Exploitation CSE

This involves situations where a child receives something form an adult as a result of engaging in sexual activity.

Female Genital Mutilation FGM

This is illegal and a form of child abuse. It is a procedure to remove all or some of the female genitalia or any other injury to these parts. It is a duty to ensure all known cases are reported to police.

Forced Marriage

This is a form of child abuse. A marriage entered without free and full consent is illegal.

Peer on Peer Abuse

Such abuse should be taken seriously and the same child protection procedures must be followed as if it was an adult. Children can be vulnerable to abuse from peers.

Dealing with Disclosure

1. Stay calm and listen. ( do not make promises you can’t keep, do not judge or excuse the abuser)

2. Reassure (tell the child how brave they are and you believe them and they have done the right thing by telling you)

3. Stay with them (Do things like drawing, engage in a normal conversation)

4. Make sure to record the Childs words accurately make sure to separate the facts from options

5. Report to manager as soon as you can (and when is appropriate) they will know which procedures to follow

6. If a third party expresses concerns they will be encouraged to contact social services directly. If they do not want to it will be explained that its the settings responsibility to pass on this information

Protecting yourself

This is important and is a part of safeguarding, it is in place to protect yourself form allegations to ensure your actions are not misinterpreted. You can do this by

- Avoiding being alone with a child

- Ensuring a register is taken (times and dates)

- If you have to take a child to an empty room do not enter with them, if you have to make sure all doors are kept open

- Challenge any child using inappropriate language

- Do not build special relation ships with children

- You must not contact any child you know through the club out of work

- Any images taken of children must have written consent from parents

Whistle blowing

Activity B’s will not accept any behaviour by colleagues that does not match with our aim policies and objectives. We will actively encourage reporting of this type of behaviour by

- Creating an environment of trust, respect and communication

- Creating an environment which is free from harassment, bullying an discriminating

- Treating everyone fairly and equally

- Making sure procedures are in place for reporting unacceptable behaviour

- Actively supporting individuals that whistle blow

Allegation against a person at Activity B’s

If there is a serious allegation Activity B’s will have the right to suspend you with immediate effect whilst it is investigated. You should

- Stay calm

- Follow instructions given to you

- Co-operate

- Seek advice

- Not confront accuser

- Be supported through the process

Allegation against an adult outside Activity B’s

If you have concerns of someone who does not work for Activity B’s such as a parent or carer it is important you report it to the designated safeguard lead. Designated safeguard lead- Bethany Steele

Good practise

This means setting a good example for the children at all times and ensuring that children welfare are priority to reduce the likeliness of allegations being made. This can be done by

- Always working in an open environment

- Treating everyone equally and fairly with respect and dignity

- Putting the welfare of children first

- Building trusting relationships with parents and staff

- Making activities fun and exciting at all times

- Giving children praise

- Recognising developmental needs

- Keeping written record of any injury

Toilet supervision

Children ages 3-5 years old will be escorted to the bathroom and a colleague will remain outside the door and will assist if requested.

Children ages 6-12 will have to ask to use the toilet facilities no more than 3 children will be aloud in the bathroom at any one time.


For children aged 3-8 years old there must be two members of staff present in the changing areas making sure you can see each other at all times, wait until children are ready. Children should be able to change themselves and staff should support them in doing so.

For children over 8 years old staff should wait outside the changing room. If it is essential that a staff member enters the room make sure 2 staff go together. If this is not possible make sure there are never less than 3 children in the room.

Administering medication policy

We follow strict guidelines when working with medication of any kind:

- ALL medication must be in there original containers

- Prescription medicine will only be given to the child with their name on the bottle and the dosage stated

- Those with parental responsibility must give prior written permission for the administration of each and every medication. However, we will accept written permission once for a whole course of medication or for the ongoing use of a particular medication

- The child and parent will be asked when the child last had medication and this must be recorded

- At the time of giving medicine a senior member of staff will offer it to the child it is important to remember Activity B’s are NOT legally obliged to administer medication. If the child refuses medication it will be recorded and a note will be made on the form.

Activity B’s will not allow or administer any non-prescription medication on the premises. All medication for children must have the child's name clearly written on the original container and kept in either one of the medication cabinets, in one of the fridges or in the case of medication such as EpiPens or asthma inhalers they can be stored in the main office: in all cases medication must be stored out of reach of all children. All medications must be in their original containers, labels must be legible and not tampered with or they will not be given

Parents must notify us IMMEDIATELY of any changes of medication!

Complaints policy Activity B’s work in partnership with parents to create a happy, healthy and safe environment for children to be in. If you do have any complaints which you would like to put forward or discuss this can be done by emailing us on all complaints will be acknowledged within 24 hours.

Emergency evacuation procedure

Activity B’s is responsible for the safety of children in their care. In the event of needing to leave the premises in an emergency the following must be applied

1. Staff will communicate calmly with the children that they must leave the building immediately via the nearest fire exit of which all children will be made aware of

2. When outside staff will ask children to line up on the green out the front of the building

3. A register must then be taken to ensure everyone is out of the building including any staff members

4. If needed the relevant local authorities will be contacted

Equalities policy

At Activity B’s, we will ensure that we provide a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for everyone in our community including children with special/additional needs and disabilities.

To ensure this we:

- Respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping.

- Help children celebrate their cultural and religious identity

- Strive to ensure every child feels good about themselves by celebrating differences

- We will ensure that our service is available to all parents, carers and children in the local community

- We will challenge inappropriate attitudes and practices by engaging children and adults in discussion, by displaying positive images of race and disability, and through our staff modelling anti-discriminatory behaviour at all times.

Our club is accessible to all members in the community we ensure this by:

- We do not discriminate against any child or their family

- We advertise widely

- We provide clear information

- We make reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled children can participate successfully in our services

- Ensure children with additional learning needs are supported

- We take action against any discriminatory, prejudice, harassing or victimising behaviour by our staff, volunteers or parents

- We welcome children and families from all different backgrounds, race and religion

Any forms of discrimination whether that be direct or indirect discrimination, discrimination arising from a disability, association or perception will not be tolerated and will be felt with accordingly.

EYFS policy

Every child deserves the best start in life and support that enables them to reach their full potential. Children should have access to quality learning and teaching to help a child progress. This policy ensures parents and staff work together closely to provide the best environment for the child to learn and grow. Every child is included and supported through equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice.

Structure- Activity B’s is set in Norton Lindsey in the local village hall, The hall has a back garden to play outside also a park and a big spacious hall for children to play, explore and get crafty!

The EYFS includes 7 areas

- Communication and language

- Physical development

- Personal, social and emotional development


At Activity B’s we take care in planning our sessions to ensure children get the most from their time with us. We have a wide range of activities which support each developmental stay for a child. We provide a happy, safe, caring, well organised and stimulating environment.

Health and safety policy

This policy is in place to ensure the health, safety and welfare of any persons on the premises, we work towards the following objectives

- To establish maintain a healthy and safe environment

- To carry out annual risk assessments

- To establish and maintain safe working procedures for children and staff

- To follow the regulations of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and any other relevant legislation

- To formulate effective procedures for use in case of fire and other emergencies and for evacuating the premises

- To ensure the provision of sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all people

- working in or using the club to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work and to ensure that they have access to health and safety training as and when provided

Fire safety- staff must

- Prevent any possible cause of fire

- Understand the fire procedure and what their role is

- All staff must know where the fire extinguishers and fire exits are

- Must explain clearly to children what to do in the event of a fire

- Know how to use a fire extinguisher

- Ensure fire exists are clearly marked

- NOT smoke on or near the premises at any time

- We have a NO SMOKING policy

First aid staff must

- There must be one member of staff qualified in first aid on the premises at all times

- First aid boxes must be kept well equipped and checked regularly

- Wear disposable gloves when administering first aid

- Report any equipment that is used so it can be replaced

- Record ANY first aid given to a child or member of staff

- Ensure staff are aware of accident sheets and existing injury forms

Hygiene staff must

- keep themselves and clothes fresh and clean

- Wear appropriate clothing and footwear

- Minimal jewellery


Activity B’s offer breakfast and a light tea during club times. The food is planned the week prior. This is to ensure that any dietary needs are met. Also to make sure the food is nutritious, good quality and safe to eat. The food safety act 1990 provides the framework for this. All staff preparing food must hold a food safety and handling qualification. If a child has allergies it is the parents/carers responsibility to let Activity B’s staff know. The same applies for if parents/ carers do not wish their child to eat at club. We have a NO NUTS policy.


- All rooms must be kept clean and tidy

- Toilets must be checked regularly to ensure cleanliness

- Children and staff must wash hands after going to the toilet and before touching food

- Any plastic gloves, aprons and/or other materials used to clean up spillage will be disposed of in a safe, secure manner and will not be placed in a bin which children could gain access to Cleaning materials will be kept in a locked cupboard away from children at all times.


- Children must be supervised at all times

- A staff to child ratio of 1:8 is maintained whilst in club, and 1:6 whilst escorting children from school

- Only permanent staff members will stand at the doors for arrivals and departures of children

- Exterior door will be kept closed at ALL times

- Outside play areas will be secured when in use

- The hall will be laid out to enable both children and staff to move around freely and safely

- Registers will be taken at the start of every session -

Before leaving/ entering a building a headcount must be done

- Play areas must be checked daily


Staff should ensure all toys and equipment are stored in a safe manner and everything cared for, toys must be checked regularly to ensure they are not broken or damaged. All toys and equipment should be cleaned regularly.

Electrical equipment- All electrical will be checked by a qualified technician yearly. Unsafe equipment will be tabled and will not be used.

Gas- N/A

Incident report book

All staff must record any of the following in the report book

- Theft

- Challenging behaviour

- Attempted break in

- Fire

- Injury

- Casualty

- Food poisoning

The following must be done recorded

- Date, time and place

- Factual description on incident

- Staff involved and what they did

- Further action required

- Signature of person making the report

- ALL reports must be shown and given to parents

Missing child policy

Activity B’s will comply with the following procedure in the event a child goes missing:

1. As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing the key person/staff alerts the senior leader

2. The senior member of staff calls the police and reports the child missing and then calls the parent

3. The senior member of staff will carry out a thorough search of the building and garden

4. The register is then checked again to make sure no other child is missing

5. The setting leader talks to the staff to find out when and where the child was last seen and records this

Leaving the premises

At Activity B’s we like to keep the children entertained and busy. As a part of this we may take the children of the premise to the local park. We must obtain written permission from the parent/ carer prior to this. Children must be in pairs with each child wearing a hi vis. When walking there must be a staff member at the from and back of the line.

This policy was created by Bethany Steele owner of Activity B’s on the 22/09/22.

This policy was amended by Bethany Steele on 01/06/23